Kontain with Spring Boot Microservice using MySQL in Docker/Compose
This example shows Kontain running a Spring Boot REST API example with a backing MySQL DB. The REST API persists entries in a MySQL DB, and the API is also be used to retrieve the entries.
Reference from: https://www.bezkoder.com/docker-compose-spring-boot-mysql/ and https://www.bezkoder.com/spring-boot-jpa-crud-rest-api/
The implementation of this example is here.
Please note that this shows that we can continue to use the normal Dockerfile without any conversion to using Kontain-based language runtime.
This allows us to experience Kontain with existing Dockerfiles and images, BUT, without the benefit of smaller image sizes.
to build this example
cd app && mvn clean compile package
cd app && docker build -t kontainguide/spring-boot-restapi-mysql:1.0 .
to run this example
$ docker-compose up
The REST API should be ready at port 8080
to test using the REST APIs
Now add 2 entries via the REST API
echo "Adding 2 tutorial entries"
curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-type:application/json" http://localhost:6868/api/tutorials -d '{"title": "koder tutorial #1", "description": "Tutorial #1 description"}' | jq
"id": 7,
"title": "koder tutorial #1",
"description": "Tutorial #1 description",
"published": false
curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-type:application/json" http://localhost:6868/api/tutorials -d '{"title": "koder tutorial #2", "description": "Tutorial #2 description"}' | jq
"id": 8,
"title": "koder tutorial #2",
"description": "Tutorial #2 description",
"published": false
Now retrieve the entries via the REST API
sleep 2
echo retrieving entries
curl http://localhost:6868/api/tutorials | jq
to clean
$ cd app && mvn clean