Launching an AKS cluster
Below we describe how we can launch and use Kontain in an Azure AKS (Kubernetes) cluster.
Starting up an AKS cluster
- Install Azure CLI,
- Create an Azure AKS account
- Verify that you are able to use the Azure CLI to login to AKS:
az login --service-principal -u <app-id> -p <password-or-cert> --tenant <tenant>
az login -u <username> -p <password>
and, only once, set your subscription to ensure that you are using the right one for your cluster
az account set --subscription "<your-subscription-id>"
Note: Follow instructions in Sign in with Azure CLI if you have any issues or questions
Create cluster using Kontain helper script
Download helper script and make sure it is executable
curl -o aks-cluster.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kontainapp/k8s-deploy/master/helpers/aks-cluster.sh
chmod +x aks-cluster.sh
Run script using your credentials. Make sure to set region and prefix to your desired values. The script will create AKS cluster with the name <prefix>-aks-cluster. All other associated recource names are prefixed with <prefix>.
aks-cluster.sh --tenant=TENANT_ID --app-id=AZURE_APP_ID --password=AZURE_SECRET --region=<your region> <prefix>
Verify your cluster was created
az aks list -o table
Enable and Test Kontain Runtime
Please refer to: Install Kontain in Kubernetes
Clean up
To delete cluster and all associated resources use the following
aks-cluster.sh --tenant=TENANT_ID --app-id=AZURE_APP_ID --password=AZURE_SECRET --region=<your region> <prefix> --cleanup