Launching an EKS cluster
Below we describe how we can launch and use Kontain in an Amazon EKS (Kubernetes) cluster.
Starting up an EKS cluster
- Follow step outlines in Getting started with the AWS CLI to setup your CLI.
- Set up your credentials. Create two environment variables from the values you created
Create cluster using Kontain helper script
Download helper script and make sure it is executable
curl -o eks-cluster.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kontainapp/k8s-deploy/master/helpers/eks-cluster.sh
chmod +x eks-cluster.sh
Run script using your credentials. Make sure to set region and prefix to your desired values. The script will create AKS cluster with the name <prefix>-eks-cluster. All other associated recource names are prefixed with <prefix>.
eks-cluster.sh --region=<your region> --ami=<Kontain-enabled AMI id> <prefix>
To locate Kontain-enabled ami run use the following command:
aws ec2 describe-images --region=us-west-1 --filters "Name=name,Values=kontain-eks-node*" | jq -r '.Images[] | "AMI-Id: \(.ImageId), Name: \(.Name)"'
and select the version you want.
At this moment, Kontain provides images only in us-west-1. If you woudl like to use it in another region copy AMI to your region first. Then use newly created AMI-ID
Verify your cluster was created
aws eks list-clusters --region=<your region>
Enable and Test Kontain Runtime
Please refer to: Install Kontain in Kubernetes
Clean up
To delete cluster and all associated resources use the following
eks-cluster.sh --region=<your region> <prefix> --cleanup